Sunday, December 2, 2012

Quick Mittens and Sweaters

It has been stormy, but all in liquid form, pouring rain.
This weekend, I ended up making some quick, instant gratifications. I made my very first batch of sugar cookies. First time making icing. The decoration turned out kinda funny looking, but unlike funny looking knitting, these are still edible and quite yummy.

Yes, I was trying to make the mitten look like my First Snow Mittens, but the design ended up looking more like bird poops than snow.  I'll just have to eat away the evidence of poor decorating skill.

So I made some mittens, socks, and sweaters.  All in one day! 


  1. Lovely! Congratulations with the first cookies! But you fooled me all right - I read the post title in my blog run and thought: Gosh, I have to go and check what great sweaterS and mittenS were wipped up so quickly! I loooove the things you knit, they are so beautiful!
